The topic of knowledge is not usually the first to pop into my mind when I start mentally listing things to be thankful for. However, the more I think about it, the more grateful I am to have a God who creates us as human beings with the ability to learn, reason, debate, question, and absorb information around us. It is literally mind-boggling to think about the brain's capacity to retain information (whether it can always recall this information is another matter entirely). :-)
After spending some time in thought, (no puns all know me) I have narrowed down to three specific categories of knowledge that make me especially grateful.
Books. First and foremost, the Bible has had the most profound influence on my life and growth. Anything else comes nowhere near in comparison. However, there are scores of other books that have impacted my life in various ways. There is no room here to mention them all, but I will list a few that stick out in my mind currently.
Desiring God--by John Piper challenged my thinking in many areas and forced me to think deeper about things of God than I ever had before.
The Journals of Jim Elliott--Published by Elizabeth Elliott. One of the most powerful stories of a life lived sold out for God.
Some Wildflower in My Heart--by Jamie Langston Turner, possibly my favorite fiction book. Her unique writing style and detailed description are pleasantly appealing.
Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands--by Paul David Tripp was a required reading book in college...but the best required reading I ever had. Excellent resource on counseling others (and yourself) towards Biblical change. I could go on and on...but I must stop the list here.
Learning another language. Never have I gone through something so painfully rewarding as learning the beautiful Spanish language. I believe everyone should attempt to learn at least one other language in their lifetime. God created our minds with a great capacity to learn...and learning to speak someone else's heart language is the best way to absorb a culture far different than our own..and the best way to minister to someone different than our own nationality.
Dedicated teachers. Where would I be today if it weren't for the people that inspired me to push myself, to question, to discover, and to strive for excellence? I am forever grateful to these people. There are many, however three in particular deserve to be mentioned.
Miss Ball--my 10th grade Biology teacher (via satellite). She made science fun...even strange topics like genetics and parasitic worms!
Mrs. Hartog--My college women's ministries teacher. Her passion for God's Word; teaching it accurately and thoroughly, loving and ministering to others, and being dedicated to faithful study will forever be ingrained in my mind. Her classes were challenging, but I will use the principles I learned in them throughout my lifetime.
Dr. Van--My college music teacher, choir and summer ministry team director, and friend. His classes contributed to much of my lack of sleep throughout college, but I will never cease to be thankful for the way he pushed me to think, and think, and think things through,:-) and the way he constantly reminded me never to settle for "good enough" but to always strive for excellence for the glory of God.