I feel so small and insignificant when I stand surrounded by towering mountains. While the Rockies and the Appalachians possess their own unique beauty, in my mind, nothing compares to the glory of the Andes. This photo does not begin to do justice to their beauty. So many times during the year I spent in Peru I would simply stand and "lift my eyes to the hills" and remember that my help came from the same Lord who created them.
The Ocean

I waited nearly nineteen years for my first glimpse of the ocean. Never will I forget that day. The summer after my freshman year of college I traveled all over the United States with a music team to represent our school. Our travels eventually took us to the East Coast. That first day at the ocean was spent on boat off the coast of Florida. Jumping in the clear blue water, floating so easily, and tasting the salt made me giddy like a child. Later we traveled farther up the coast to one of my favorite places where this picture was taken, Cape Hatteras, North Carolina.
My Midwest
Someone wisely once said "There's no place like home." I believe with all my heart that this is true. While there are many places which may boast of their own beauty, nothing makes me more thankful than seeing the glory of the created world which surrounds me every day. This picture of a double rainbow was taken this summer outside my back door. Nothing speaks of God's faithfulness more than a rainbow.
While this photo will never win a contest because of the obvious telephone pole and signs marring the view, I still love it. This is God displaying His artistry just outside my front door on a summer evening.
What are you thankful for in creation?
I'm thankful for the moon and stars that light up the night! I've always been fascinated by the night and I marvel at the beauty of my Creator's handiwork. I also love thunderstorms -- because they are a reminder of how majestic and powerful my God is. Yet He holds me in the palm of His hand.