Saturday, January 16, 2010

Knock, Knock...Who's There?

When you can't be original....copy someone else! I do not normally live by this rule, but today I couldn't help it.

I have been starved for originality lately. Therefore, when I saw my friend Melissa's idea (which she also copied) I decided to follow in her footsteps.

So please tell me...who is out there? If you read my blog (frequently, occasionally, or even if its your first time) leave me a note and tell me why.

I am curious


  1. 'cause I love you and I want to know whats going on in your life. So often you make me really think, its like your here... but your not. But I'm praying about that ;)

  2. well, im what you would call, a causual follower. Its not strange for at least a month to pass before i stop by and spend time catching up on "mom". why? practically: cuz you dont blog every day so i can get away with checking in and being guaranteed the hilights. and personally: cuz you're a champ.
