1. Choose an appropriate spot to exist. A chair, a bed, a couch; wherever you feel most comfortable remaining for extended periods of time. My personal preference is the recliner.
2. Arm yourself with enough Kleenex, cough drops, and vitamin C to supply a small army.
3. Choose your entertainment for the day. Some suggestions include: A favorite 'feel-good' movie such as "You've Got Mail", a laptop for blogging and Facebook purposes, a good book (mine is currently 'Los Numeros de la Experanza' to get in some Spanish practice), an i-pod for music that makes you want to get up and dance. Or not.
4. Don't forget the doctor's orders, 'Drink lots of liquids'. My favorites in times of sickness happen to be Sierra Mist and orange juice (not mixed together, that's gross!). However, I am hoping that milkshakes also count.
5. Keep a cell phone nearby. Not only is it useful for maintaining contact with the outside world, it also helps keep track of how much time remains till you can take your next dose of wonderful, life-preserving, elixer from heaven, cold medicine!
With these steps in mind you can conquer any sick day with style. However I would not recommend taking a picture.

feel better! :)