Saturday, May 22, 2010

"They" said it first..."they" said it better

I like quotes...ok, I really like quotes. My philsophy about quotes is: Why try to say something myself if someone else has already said it better?

I know the blog posts have been fairly short and infrequent recently...I hope to remedy this soon. But for now, enjoy some current favorite quotes to ponder.

"Someone asked me, 'Why do you go there?' (meaning the mission field). I said 'God takes your heart and puts it there. Either you follow your heart or live without it.'" --Missionary John Leonard

"Whatever you are...Be a good one." --Abe Lincoln

"I sometimes wonder whether all pleasures are not substitutes for joy."--C.S. Lewis

"God does it and man sings it. God speaks and a hymn is the mysical echo of His voice."-- A.W. Tozer

"There are some who bring a light so great to the world that even after they have gone, the light remains." --Anonymous

"Outside of the resurrection of Jesus, I do not know of any other hope for this world."--Konrad Adenauer

Each of these provides enough to mentally "chew on" for a while. The next time I post quotes, they will be of a lighthearted nature. ;-)

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