Sunday, February 14, 2010

Anti-Valentine's Day...or Not

I greeted today with mixed emotions.

Earlier this week I thought Valentine's Day would come and go as any other normal Sunday and I would be just fine with it. However as the day drew nearer, and as I saw more and more husbands and boyfriends frantically running into my store to buy thoughtful cards and flowers, my heart started to feel that familiar pang that always comes with the remembrance of bittersweet memories.

I started to wish that I would not have to acknowledge the presence of this "holiday".

However, I awoke this morning to realize that Valentine's Day had arrived un-invited (bringing with it a beautiful winter wonderland of snow). The day also arrived with a card and lots of chocolate from my parents (maybe its not all bad).

As much as I may have wished it away...I am not anti-Valentine's Day. Yes, there were a few tears shed...but tears are temporary. This day is about so much more than the celebration of romantic love.

It is a celebration of love. Period. And as I was poignantly reminded in church today...Jesus is love personified.

Today I choose to celebrate Christ's love for me...and I choose to rejoice in the fact that I can now, in a small way, share that love with my family, friends, brothers and sisters in Christ, and others with whom I come into contact each day.

Happy Valentine's Day!


  1. God sent me a reminder yesterday about the same thing. Valentines Day is a celebration of LOVE. It was a wonderful reminder and helped me keep today in perspective. And I had a lovely day.

    I am so grateful for His Love most of all!

  2. I really admire you Heidi, I know you've been through allot this past year, changes wise! You seem to becoming out even more beautiful because of it and not bitter! Keep it up. I can't wait to see how God uses all of this in this life! Love you so much. Hope the rest of the month has been better for you! I hope we are able to talk for a while on my Spring break! Love ya.
