Saturday, February 27, 2010

For Uncle Steve

While hunting through a random closet in our house today, I discovered this...and being the curious person that I am, I tried it on.

It is my dad's old track jacket from high school! What a fun discovery! The sad part is that it fits me. (Apparently my dad was quite small in high school)

This post is for you, Uncle Steve, #1 fan of Blue Earth sports! Hope it brought a smile to your face. :-)


  1. You look better in it than I did and you definitely look better in it than I would today (if I could get into it).

  2. Thanks Heidi, you brightened my day. Please pray

    as I go to the doctor tomorrow to find out whats
    next. Uncle Steve

  3. I just saw this now .. and I love it!! -Jennie
