Tuesday, April 27, 2010
7 Random Things!
Here goes...
1. I love to think deeply about things and have a tendency to over-analyze. It is a blessing and a curse.
2. I believe true friendships should last a lifetime.
3. People tell me I look like my mother, however, some people also tell me I look far younger than my actual age of twenty-something. I find this to be highly frustrating at times. :-)
4. My dad and I share the same sense of humor and some random personality quirks.
5. I have a deep fear of worms.
6. I will try eating almost any food at least once (except aforementioned worms).
7. I speak nearly fluent Spanish and would love to learn a couple more langugages someday! (possibly Greek and French)
Thats all for now, folks. Thanks for letting me share a little of myself with you all!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
"Faithful Joy"
"I have now to ask, whether you can consent to part with your daughter early next spring, to see her no more in this world; whether you can consent to her departure, and her subjection to the hardships and sufferings of missionary life; whether you can consent to her exposure to the dangers of the ocean, to the fatal influence of the southern climate of India; to every kind of want and distress; to degradation, insult, persecution, and perhaps a violent death. Can you consent to all this, for the sake of him who left his heavenly home, and died for her and for you; for the sake of perishing, immortal souls; for the sake of Zion, and the glory of God? Can you consent to all this, in hope of soon meeting your daughter in the world of glory, with the crown of righteousness, brightened with the acclamations of praise which shall redound to her Savior from heathens saved, through her means, from eternal woe and despair?"
"Her father let her decide. She said yes." (Don't Waste Your Life: by John Piper pg.158)
By the way, Ann died in Burma as did Adoniram. They sacrificed everything for the One to whom they committed their lives.
In less than four months I will be embarking on a year-long short-term missions trip to Peru, South America. The very thought makes my heart race with excitement. I love missions. Although it is not likely that my trip will be filled with the dangers and hardships that the Judsons had to face I find myself asking, "Would I be willing to suffer as they did all for the glory of Christ?" "Am I willing to commit not just to a year, but to a lifetime of foreign missions service if that is what God should choose for my life?"
My prayer is that my answer will be a resounding 'yes.'
"God does not call us to ease, but to faithful joy. He is closing in on some of you, smiling and with tears in his eyes, knowing how much of himself he is going to show you—and how much it will cost." -John Piper
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Who is Jesus?
This reading was done by our choir a week before Easter Sunday. It describes who Christ is in each book of the Bible. Each time I read this it moves me. Read it all the way to the end and let the truth sink in. Let us take time today to medidate on who Christ is to us. It will be impossible to walk away from that meditation with a heart of arrogance.
In GENESIS Jesus is the Ram at Abraham's altar
In EXODUS He's the Passover Lamb
In LEVITICUS He's the High Priest
In NUMBERS He's the Cloud by day and pillar of fire by night
In DEUTERONOMY He's the City of our refuge
In JOSHUA He's the Scarlet Thread out Rahab's window
In JUDGES He is our Judge
In RUTH He is our Kinsman Redeemer
In 1st and 2nd SAMUEL He's our Trusted Prophet
And in KINGS and CHRONICLES He's our Reigning King
In EZRA He is our Faithful Scribe
In NEHEMIAH He's the Rebuilder of everything that is broken
In ESTHER He is the Mordecai sitting faithful at the gate
In JOB He's our Redeemer that ever liveth
In PSALMS He is my Shepherd and I shall not want
And in the SONG OF SOLOMON He's the Beautiful Bridegroom
In ISAIAH He's the Suffering Servant
In JEREMIAH and LAMENTATIONS it is Jesus that is the Weeping Prophet
In EZEKIEL He's the Wonderful Four-Faced Man
In DANIEL He is the Fourth Man in the midst of a fiery furnace
In HOSEA He is my Love that is forever faithful
In JOEL He baptizes us with the Holy Spirit
In AMOS He's our Burden Bearer
In OBADIAH our Savior
And in JONAH He is the Great Foreign Missionary that takes the Word of God into all of the world
In MICAH He is the Messenger with beautiful feet
In NAHUM He is the Avenger
In HABAKKUK He is the Watchman that is ever praying for revival
In ZEPHANIAH He is the Lord mighty to save
In HAGGAI He is the Restorer of our lost heritage
In ZECHARIAH He is our Fountain
And in MALACHAI He is the Son of Righteousness with healing in His wings
In MATTHEW Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God
In MARK He is the Miracle Worker
In LUKE He's the Son of Man
And in JOHN He's the Door by which every one of us must enter
In ACTS He is the Shining Light that appears to Saul on the road to Damascus
In ROMANS He is our Justifier
In 1st CORINTHIANS our Resurrection
In 2nd CORINTHIANS our Sin Bearer
In GALATIANS He redeems us from the law
In EPHESIANS He is our Unsearchable Riches
In PHILIPPIANS He supplies our every need
And in COLOSSIANS He's the Fullness of the Godhead Bodily
In 1st and 2nd THESSALONIANS He is our Soon Coming King
In 1st and 2nd TIMOTHY He is the Mediator between God and man
In TITUS He is our Blessed Hope
In PHILEMON He is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother
And in HEBREWS He's the Blood of the everlasting covenant
In JAMES it is the Lord that heals the sick
In 1st and 2nd PETER He is the Chief Shepherd
In 1st, 2nd, and 3rd JOHN it is Jeusus who has the tenderness of love
In JUDE He is the Lord coming with 10,000 saints
And in REVELATION, lift up your eyes, for your redemption draweth nigh, He is King of kings, and Lord of lords.
Monday, April 19, 2010
True Humility...Attainable?
Once again it all comes back to perspective...my sinfulness in light of God's holiness; my utter unworthiness compared to the Lamb who is worthy; my finite humanity exposed to the great "I AM".
The prophet Micah said it well...
"'With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself before God on high? Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil? Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?' He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" Micah 6:6-8
Monday, April 12, 2010
Morning Person?
I am skeptical, however...changing my love of staying up late and sleeping in is no small task. In general, my fear of being late to work is the only thing that drags me out of bed in the morning. I'm up for trying something new, though. So if I do try some of these tips, I'll let you know how they work! :-)
Friday, April 09, 2010
Cultural Corner
Here is the whole shelf

Most of these decorations were brought back from Peru, South America after I lived there for 11 months during my Junior year of college. On the left is a tiny nativity scene that is carved inside one of their famous hats. The pot and coin-purse are both hand-crafted and painted.

The next three hand-painted plates in the background of each shelf are my absolute favorite items from Peru. They are so beautiful and reveal much of the culture.
This shelf also contains Peruvian money and a little wooden flute that is a typical instrument within the country.

Excluding the background plate, this is my African shelf! I have never been to Africa personally, but I have several sweet friends who have gone and been kind enough to bring me back some beautiful treasures!

This plate is partially covered up by a picture of my teammates and me taken during our missionary interinship/study abroad in Peru. The random chopsticks came from another friend who went to China one summer!

I hope you have enjoyed this cultural mini-tour and glimpse into my life! :-)
What are your favorite spots in your own rooms?
Sunday, April 04, 2010
The Day that Changed History
Saturday, April 03, 2010
"With Joyful Grief"
Yet today, we look back on Good Friday and see a day filled with hope. With the words "It is Finished", history and eternity changed forever. And in the most powerful visual aid imaginable, as the veil of the temple ripped in two from top to bottom , God revealed that the barrier between man and himself had forever been removed.
God had died for men. Jesus died for me. For you.
Savior, with joyful grief, I thank you.
My Jesus Fair
Text and music: Chris Anderson & Greg Habegger
My Jesus, fair, was pierced by thorns,
By thorns grown from the fall.
Thus He who gave the curse was torn
To end that curse for all.
O love divine, O matchless grace-
That God should die for men!
With joyful grief I lift my praise,
Abhorring all my sin,
Adoring only Him.
My Jesus, meek, was scorned by men,
By men in blasphemy.
“Father, forgive their senseless sin!”
He prayed, for them, for me.
My Jesus, kind, was torn by nails,
By nails of cruel men.
And to His cross, as grace prevailed,
God pinned my wretched sin.
My Jesus, pure, was crushed by God,
By God, in judgment just.
The Father grieved, yet turned His rod
On Christ, made sin for us.
My Jesus, strong, shall come to reign,
To reign in majesty.
The Lamb arose, and death is slain.
Lord, come in victory
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