Saturday, December 03, 2011

Future Songs

A couple of poems that I hope to one day turn into songs.


I believe Your mind exceeds all of man's wisdom,
Your power is greater than I can see or ever know.
Your ways are higher than the sum of all our knowledge,
You comprehend each minute act on earth below.

Your light goes forth to break the power of darkness,
Your love extends to the foolish and the wise.
Your compassions are new every morning,
You do not sleep, You never change, and cannot lie.

You are God, the Holy, Sovereign King eternal.
You give grace to the humble and strength to the weak.
You are greater than our finite minds can fathom,
Yet You reveal Yourself to all who seek.

When I Wake

When I wake with the morning,
There's a longing in my soul that will not cease,
When I wake in the quiet
Of the night, my heart cries out for peace.
When I rise to meet the new day,
I'm reminded that Your mercies never cease
But still I'm longing, still I'm aching
For the day when Your work in me is complete...

When I wake in Your likeness
And every remnant of my sin is washed away,
When I wake in Your likeness,
When my soul rests and I behold Your face.
When I wake in Your likeness
Earth's shadow dims as Heaven's glory fills my eyes.
When I wake in Your likeness
Cleansed and clothed in the righteousness of Christ.

- Copyright Heidi Robbins 2011

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Dust of Earth and Breath of God

Dust of earth and breath of God.
Ingredients of a man which,
In the soul of the redeemed,
Cause the greatest
Temporal fighting divine;
Wickedness opposing good.
Ingredients set in opposition
'Til the day the two are ripped apart,
And the divine is left in anticipation
Of the day when the dust itself
Will be made

Monday, March 21, 2011

Nearer, Ever Nearer

"We know that while we are at home in the body we are away from the Lord, for we walk by faith, not by sight. Yes, we are of good courage, and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord. So whether we are at home or away, we make it our aim to please Him" 2 Cor. 5:6-9 (ESV)

These verses have brought me great encouragement the past few days…
Walking by faith…living day by day…trusting…not seeing the outcome, but resting in the One who knows all. This is our calling. He is our prize. I pray that my great desire and overwhelming passion will be to please Christ, whether here on earth or in His presence for eternity.

Today I read this...

"Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light." Romans 13:11-12 (ESV)

What hope and indescribable joy are contained in these verses! Salvation is nearer now than ever. I came to know Christ as a young child, and already I am twenty years closer to seeing Him; twenty years closer to being sanctified, glorified, and eternally free from sin…twenty years closer to standing in awe of the glory of my Savior and worshipping Him in a perfect body, with a perfect voice, in a perfect place, with fullness of joy. The very thought fills me with excitement and wonder.

Yet, a question remains…what have I accomplished in the last twenty years of walking with Christ? What will I do for Him with however many years I have left before He returns or calls me to my eternal home? Will I be found faithful? The time is short…"The night is far gone, the day is at hand. So let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light."

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Renewed Vision

A couple of days ago I began reading a biography of one of the great pioneer missionaries, C. T. Studd. He was a man greatly used for the kingdom of God. Already various things about his life and testimony have impacted me, and I would like to share with you one quote from the book. Though a believer in Jesus Christ, as a young man C.T. was living for himself and the pleasures to be found in worldly fame. However, God touched his heart by reading a tract written by an atheist. An atheist, mind you. May it challenge you as it did me...

"Did I firmly believe, as millions say they do, that the knowledge and practice of religion in this life influences destiny in another, religion would mean to me everything. I would cast away earthly enjoyments as dross, earthly cares as follies, and earthly thoughts and feelings as vanity. Religion would be my first waking thought, and my last image before sleep sank me into unconsciousness. I should labour in its cause alone. I would take thought for the morrow of Eternity alone. I would esteem one soul gained for heaven worth a life of suffering. Earthly consequences should never stay my hand nor seal my lips. Earth, its joys and its griefs, would occupy no moment of my thoughts. I would strive to look upon Eternity alone, and on the Immortal Souls around me, soon to be everlasting happy or everlastingly miserable. I would go forth to the world and preach to it in season and out of season, and my text would be, 'what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?'"

Why is it that even though I possess a relationship with Christ, the hope of eternal life, and the promise of fullness of joy, that I can still get bogged down with the cares of this world and this temporary life? Today as I thought about this question it hit me...I lose sight of the greatness of the God whom I serve. Instead of focusing on Who He is, I focus on myself and let my problems seem greater than the God of the universe. How foolish.

Lord, help us to catch a vision, even a fleeting glimpse of Who You are. Help us grasp even the most minute understanding of Your infinite greatness, your unchangeableness, your fathomless mercy, and Your sacrificial love. Move our hearts to comprehend that we will never fully comprehend You. Let us see enough of You to understand our insignificance. May we bow in surrender and awe at Your holiness and perfection and may the glimpses of You that we grasp through Your word be enough to transform us and move us to serve You with our lives. Help us to understand just a fraction of Who You are…because if we do, we will never live the same. May we never trade the richness of imperishable treasures for the temporary comforts of earth and the passing pleasures of sin. You are everything and we are but dust. You are eternal and we are mortal. We are sinners, but you became sin for us. You are holy and we are being made holy by Your grace. May we walk worthy of You.